Metro Cash & Carry Srbija golden sponsor” width=”640″ height=”478″ /> Metro Cash & Carry Srbija zlatni sponzor[/caption]Knjiga Tradicionalni recepti domaće srpske kuhinje je namenjena svima! Turistima, bilo da planiraju da odmor provedu u Srbiji, ili da Srbiju posete zbog posla. Dijaspori, da se svi koje greje “Sunce tuđeg neba…”, podsete na neka od zaboravljenih jela i “nahrane” svoju nostaligiju, kao i da sa velikim ponosom poklone primerak knjige nekoj dragoj osobi da bi pokazali iz kakve zemlje dolaze.
Knjiga će sadržati oko 100 recepata iz svih krajeva Srbije, geografski podeljeno: severna Srbija (Vojvodina), istočna Srbija, južna Srbija, zapadna Srbija i centralna Srbija. Uz činjenicu da se, u suštini, svi regioni dosta preklapaju, ali, imaju i svojih posebnosti.
Primeri posebnosti ovih krajeva, u današnje vreme: Vojvodinu karakterišu testa – hlebovi, štrudle, rezanci, kao i razne vrste prerađevina od mesa. U centralnoj Srbiji karakteristične su pite zeljanice, kao i prase na ražnju. Posebnost zapadne Srbije je sušeno meso, a u planinskim krajevima neizostavna su jela od jagnjetine. Kuhinju istočne Srbije odlikuju suve čobanske pite, kuvana jagnjetina u mleku, sušeno meso od divlje svinje, janjija s tri vrste mesa i i raznim povrćem, homoljski kačamak. Na jugu Srbije veoma popularna jela su meso sa roštilja ili ražnja, pogotovo čuveni leskovački specijaliteti sa roštilja. Ali, primera radi, dobru zeljanicu, poješćete u svim krajevima Srbije.
Knjiga je će biti objavljena na dva jezika, srpskom i engleskom. Osim pomenutih 100 recepata, u knjizi će biti opisan kratak istorijat kulinarstva u Srbiji, kao i o značaj tradicionalnog pripremanja hrane (ispod sača, krčkanje, kuvanje, dinstanje…) za ljudsko zdravlje.
Metro Cash & Carry Srbija
Metro Cash & Carry Srbija deo je nemačke METRO Grupe, jedne od najvećih internacionalnih trgovačkih kompanija na svetu (, koja uspešno posluje već 50 godina. METRO ima više od 21 milion zadovoljnih kupaca u 25 zemalja širom sveta.

Kompanija posluje na tržištu Srbije od 2005. godine, a danas nas možete posetiti u Beogradu (Krnjača, Zemun i Vidikovac), Nišu, Kragujevcu, Požarevcu, Šapcu, Novom Sadu i na Paliću (

Kao podrška biznisu i profesionalcima u oblasti ugostiteljstva, 2012. godine otvoren je jedinstveni i najmoderniji HoReCa Centar u Srbiji, na Vidikovcu (Beograd), koji služi za edukaciju i obuku ugostitelja (
METRO danas zapošljava više od 1000 posvećenih i iskusnih profesionalaca u oblastima nabavke, prodaje, logistike, odnosa sa kupcima, komercijale, dostave robe i dr.
Recepti i Kuvar online
Privredno društvo Linkom-PC doo je vlasnik web sajta Recepti i Kuvar online (web sajt ) koji je registrovan kao onlajn medij po Zakonu o javnom informisanju i medijima kod Agencije za privredne registre pod brojem IN000274. Sajt Recepti i Kuvar online je dobitnik prestižne nagrade TOP 50 sajtova u Srbiji za 2015. godinu, u izboru redakcije PC Press.

METRO Cash & Carry Serbia supports the campaign of collecting and publishing traditional recipes of local, Serbian cuisine, as well as preparing a book with the same subject and content that is managed and developed by the portal Recepti i Kuvar online ( METRO accepted to be the golden sponsor of the book Traditional recipes of local Serbian cuisine, recognizing the added value for all its customers.
With the support of this leading international wholesale chain, the book Traditional Serbian cookbook and the traditional way of preparing food, will find its way to professional customers as well as all cooking professionals. In this book many old dishes, which are now at the limit of oblivion, can be found, which can be rarely ordered in restaurants, and they are not often prepared even in the family cuisine. Professional buyers, experienced chefs, and inexperienced beginners, will have the opportunity, after reading this book, to test their knowledge by preparing traditional dishes.
The book will contain about 100 recipes from all over Serbia, geographically divided: northern Serbia (Vojvodina), eastern Serbia, southern Serbia, western Serbia and central Serbia. In addition to the fact that, in essence, cuisines of all regions overlap, but they also have their own peculiarities.
Examples of the peculiarities of these regions, nowadays: Vojvodina is characterized by a test – bread, strawberries, noodles, as well as various kinds of meat products. In central Serbia, piglets are characteristic as well as pies with green vegetables. The particularity of Western Serbia is dried meat, and in the mountainous regions, lamb dishes are indispensable. The cuisine of eastern Serbia is characterized by dry shepherd pies, boiled lamb in milk, dried meat from wild boar, lamb with three kinds of meat and various vegetables, polenta from city Homolje. In the south of Serbia very popular dishes are grilled meat or barbecue, especially famous city Leskovac’s specialties from grill. But for the example, you will eat good pie with spinach in all parts of Serbia.
The book will be published in two languages, Serbian and English. In addition to the mentioned 100 recipes, the book will describe a short history of cuisine in Serbia, as well as the importance of traditional food preparation (under the honeycomb, crunching, cooking, dinning …) for human health.
Metro Cash & Carry Serbia is part of the German METRO Group, one of the world’s largest international trading companies (, which has been operating successfully for 50 years. METRO has more than 21 million satisfied customers in 25 countries around the world.

The company has been operating on the Serbian market since 2005, and today you can visit us in Belgrade (Krnjača, Zemun and Vidikovac), Niš, Kragujevac, Požarevac, Šabac, Novi Sad and Palić (

As a support to business and professionals in the field of catering, in 2012 a unique and modern HoReCa Center in Serbia was opened at Vidikovac (Belgrade), which serves for the education and training of caterers ( Center-beograd).
METRO today employs more than 1,000 dedicated and experienced professionals in the fields of procurement, sales, logistics, customer relations, commercials, delivery of goods, etc.
The company Linkom-PC doo is the owner of the website Recepti i Kuvar online (web site registered as an on-line medium according to the Law on Public Information and Media with the Business Registers Agency under the number IN000274. The site Recepti i Kuvar online is the winner of the prestigious TOP 50 sites in Serbia for 2015, in the choice of PC Press Magazine.